What was the Middle Ages also known as (there are 2)
Medieval Times and the Age of Faith
Who were the Vikings?
A group of seafarers, farmers, crafters, merchants and warriors from the Nordic Countries during the Viking Era.
What years are considered the Early Middle Ages?
What is the name of the capital of the B.E.?
When was the Middle Ages
476AD - 1500AD
What are Germanic Tribes?
Groups of people living in central Europe were known for their strong military and fierce warriors.
When was the Viking Era?
800-1050 CE
What culture dominated England during the Early Middle Ages?
What is Constantinople called today?
1000 years
What is the Byzantine Empire?
The continuation of the Roman Empire centered in Constantinople.
What were the Vikings known for?
Raids, exploring, conquests
What religion rose and spread rapidly during this time?
Why was Constantinople a good location?
Made for excellent trade. All good that came into the city were taxed by the B.E.
What were the first 500 years of the Middle Ages referred to as?
The Dark Ages
What is the Justinian Code
Laws and legal interpretations created by the Byzantine emperor
What type of ship did the Vikings use?
The Longship.
The Carolingians
Greatest emperor of the B.E.
What ruled EVERYTHING in the Middle Ages?
The Vikings came from what country?
Who was the Carolingians greatest leader?
What did Justinian develop?
THe code that simplified the Roman laws and made them easier for people to understand