This is the animal’s emotional and physical ability to cope with the conditions in which it lives.
What is Animal welfare
True or False? An affective state is the animal’s positive or negative emotions.
Which of the following can cause fear and distress:
True or False: The five-hour period begins when all animals are unloaded and ends before the animals are loaded back up.
What is the definition of Animal Welfare?
The animal's emotional and physical ability to cope with the conditions in which it lives
These are the 3 schools of Animal Welfare
What are health, natural living and affective (mental) state
Livestock can not be hauled for more than how many continuous hours?
28 hours.
law which assures animals are offloaded for proper resting time and access to food and water
What is the 28-hour law
What Assures animals are offloaded for proper resting time and access to water and food
The 28 hour law
What can be viewed as the 3 circles which overlap the create a Venn diagram representing an animal system?
The three schools of Animal Welfare
Pigs need this many square feet per market-weight pig
5-6 square feet
One of the five freedoms of animal welfare is freedom from __________; injury or distress
This could cause stress or anxiety to the live stock:
A. Loud conditions. B. Good Animal handling. C. healthy Conditions. D Cloudy Days
A. Loud Conditions
One of the five freedoms of animal welfare includes freedom from thirst, __________ and malnutrition
What is the animals emotional and physical ability to cope with conditions?
Animal Welfare issues
What is flight zone?
The distance within which a person can approach an animal before it moves away
How many circles overlap to create a venn diagram representing an animal system
Animal agriculture plays a role in ensuring_________food supply for the growing population?
A.Sustainable. B. Fit. C. Good. D. Healthy
A. Sustainable
Do you need to understand the cattle's flight zone to be able to move it around the property?
Yes or No
What is the floor space required for sheep and goats?
3-4 square feet per animal
These are the 5 freedoms on Animal Welfare
Freedom from hunger and thirst:
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
Freedom to express normal behaviors
Freedom from fear and distress
What is the max hours livestock can be hauled for?
28 hours
Juan is a sheep breeder in the state of California. He has a flock of 200 ewes which graze in a pasture and are in a herd. He ensures none of his ewes are separated unless he needs to treat an illness or address any concerns. Which of the following describes this school of animal welfare?
How does animal agriculture play a role in sustainable food supply for the growing population?
Animal Agriculturist ensure the animal's well being from production to consumption and safe guard the food supply.
What are the main animal welfare issues?
When animals are being mistreated and not cared for.