Change "next year" into reported speech
the following year
True or False: The reporting verb in "He said that he was tired" is "said."
Which reporting verb can replace "said" in "She said it was important"?
She _______ me to finish my homework. (Hint: advise or suggest)
Convert to reported speech: "I will call you later," she said.
She said that she would call me later.
Which reporting verb means "to express disapproval or criticism"?
Rewrite this sentence using a reporting verb: "She told me, 'Don’t forget your keys.'"
She reminded me not to forget my keys.
Which synonym for "said" means to speak quietly or privately to someone?
They _______ to help us with the project. (Hint: promise or declare)
Convert to reported speech: "Where are you going?" he asked.
He asked where I was going.
Which reporting verb means "to request something politely or formally"?
Which reporting verb is grammatically incorrect in this sentence? "He suggested to take a break."
Suggested—should be followed by a gerund: 'taking.'
Replace the reporting verb in this sentence: "He explained the process to the team."
The teacher _______ that we submit our assignments on time. (Hint: request or warn)
Convert to reported speech: "Please bring your documents," the manager said.
The manager asked us to bring our documents.
Which reporting verb means "to formally declare or announce"?
Identify the correct reporting verb: "She _______ that we arrive early." (Hint: propose or agree)
Find a synonym for the reporting verb "suggested" in this sentence: "He suggested we go out for dinner."
He _______ having made a mistake. (Hint: admit or argue)
Convert to reported speech: "I’ll think about it," she said.
She said that she would think about it.
Which reporting verb is used to imply that someone confessed to doing something wrong?
Change this into reported speech: "Will you help me?" she asked.
She asked if I would help her.
Replace the reporting verb in "He informed her about the meeting" with a synonym.
I _______ him against taking unnecessary risks. (Hint: warn or remind)
Convert to reported speech: "Why didn’t you tell me the truth?" he asked.
He asked why I hadn’t told him the truth.