what are the first 5 books of the historic catagory
genesis, Exodus, liviticus, numbers, dueteronomy
what are the names of the first 4 books of the prophetic
isaiah, jeremiah, lamentations, Ezekiel,
after that what are the next 5 books in the historic
joshua, judges, ruth, 1&2 samuel
what are the next 3
daniel, Hosea, joel
what are the next 4 books
1&2 kings 1&2 chronicles
what are the next 6
amos, Obadiah, Jonah, micha, naham, habakkuk
what are the last 3 books of the historic
ezra, Nehemiah, ester
what are the last 4 books of the old testament
zephaniah, haggi, Zachariah, malachi
what are the 5 books in the poetic
job, psalms, proverbs,Ecclesiastes, song of solomon