Prophets 1
Prophets 2
Wild Card
Life Cycle 1
Life Cycle 2

What is the definition of the Hebrew word ‘Navi’?

Prophet - “spokesman for God”.


What is the name of the river The Jewish people had to cross to enter the Land of Israel?

the Jordan River


Who was the First king of Israel?

King Saul


How old is the baby during the naming ceremony? 

8 days


What is a dvar torah?

A speech delivered by the bar or bat mitzvah, usually including interpretation and reflections


His name predicted the man he would become: a mighty sun who would shield and protect his people



She was the first women prophetess, sitting under the palm tree and the Israelites came up to her for judgment.



What is shalom bayit? Give an example

Shalom bayit is a Jewish concept that means "peace in the home" or "family harmony". 

Examples: listen carefully to one another, treat one another with respect, willingly cooperate with one another, and graciously forgive mistakes


A trained person who performs the Brit Milah ceremony.



When and what is the lifecycle milestone at CBI instead of consecration?

In 3rd grade, the "life cycle milestone" is receiving a siddur in a ceremony at the end of the year, and beginning to attend religious school twice a week.


What did Eli the priest think when he saw Hannah praying?

From the outside she appeared to be drunk because only her lips were moving but she made no sound.


What was Samson secret of his strength?

"A razor has never come upon my head, for I am a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I will be shaven, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak and be like any man"


Who said to Deborah “If you go with me to the battle, I’ll go; if you don’t go with me, I won’t go”.

Army General Barak


Name three possible sources for a Jewish baby name 

-parents will sometimes chose a name from the Torah portion that corresponds with the baby's birth

- often select a name that commemorates a deceased relative of the baby in order to honor that person's memor

-may match the English name exactly or partially


What is a mikvah? When might it be used?

A mikveh is a Jewish ritual bath used for purification. People immerse themselves in a mikveh before their wedding. People immerse themselves in a mikveh as part of the conversion process.


Who was the prophet and judge of Israel that restored the Holy Ark from the enemy and taught the Israelites to believe in one God?



Hannah’s prayer is in fact the source for one of our primary prayers, which prayer is it?

the Amidah—being said in a whisper


What is the covenant in Judaism?

A promise between G-d and the Jewish people; 

God promised Abraham protection and land if he followed God's path. 

God commanded Abraham and his descendants to perform circumcision as a symbol of the covenant


What are tefillin, and when are they first used?

leather boxes with straps that contain passages from the Torah; put on for the first time in preparation for Bar Mitzvah day


Who is part of an aufruf, and what is it?

Rabbi, bride to be, groom to be. An aufruf is a Jewish wedding tradition where the couple is called to the Torah for a blessing before the wedding ceremony. The word "aufruf" is Yiddish for "calling up". 


Samson posed the following riddle: "From the eater came out food, and out of the strong came out sweetness. What is it?”

The eater refers to a lion, the predator of all predators, and the sweetness refers to honey.


What is the double meaning of the name Deborah?

“She spoke”; and “bee.” Like the queen bee, Deborah was a “mother in Israel”


What was the miracle that happened in Jericho?

the walls crashed and sank


How can you continue your Jewish learning even after your bar/bat mitzvah?

young Jewish adults can continue their Jewish learning after their Bar/Bat Mitzvah by participating in Darcone.

you can also join a Jewish youth group such as Kadima/USY


Who was the first girl to participate in a bat mitzvah ceremony?

Judith Kaplan was the first American girl to have a bat mitzvah on March 18, 1922. The ceremony took place at the Society for the Advancement of Judaism in New York City.
