What body part can’t touch the ball in soccer (unless you’re the goalie)?
What is the name of Riley's imaginary friend in Inside Out?
Bing Bong
Who is often referred to as the "Queen of Pop"?
Which candy bar is the global bestseller?
Name Three Different Types of Apples.
What is the height of a standard basketball hoop in feet?
10 Feet
What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What English rockstar wrote the soundtrack for Tarzan (1999)?
Phil Collins
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of what food sticking to the roof of your mouth?
Peanut Butter
How long is a marathon?
26.2 Miles
In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
Which classic song can be used to perform CPR?
Staying Alive by the BeeGees
True or false: Storing tomatoes upside down will make them last longer.
What is a score of zero called in tennis?
For what movie did Tom Hanks score his first Academy Award nomination?
What is the best-selling album of all time?
Michael Jackson's Thriller
How many hamburgers does McDonald's sell a day?
6.5 million