This is what you log after each meeting with a student.
What is a CYC activity note?
How many service hours should you have by May?
August: 1200
October: 900
January: 675
How often should you be meeting with your site supervisor?
Once a week
These groups are based on the physical, social, and mental characteristics of individuals.
What are social identity groups?
These are activities and practices we engage in regularly to reduce stress and maintain and enhance our short- and long-term health and well-being.
What is self-care?
What is the difference between an education service plan and a supportive service plan?
Education Service Plan: You will create an “Education Service Plan” after meeting with a student and providing support or planning out, attendance goals, tutoring support, advocating for a student, etc.
Supportive Service Plan:
You will create a “Supportive Service Plan” after meeting with a student and providing, or planning to provide continuous support with things like, employment, connecting a student to mental health resources, food assistance programs, and other supports that may be barriers for the student.
If you are enrolled in CCA courses, what is the name of the credential you are working towards?
Behavioral Health Assistant Credential
LGBTQ+ students are nearly three times more likely than their peers to experience this educational challenge.
What is missing school?
These are short-term activities that provide some relief from stress, anxiety, or poor health and well-being.
What is self-soothing?
What are the steps for dismissing a student from your caseload?
1. Cluster and Affinity Groups?
2. Trauma-Informed Care
3. Religious Privilege
4. Imposter Syndrome
On average, how many students should you be meeting with each day?
This federal law ensures educational rights for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
What is the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act?
This is something a person needs to communicate, learn, and/or take part in an activity.
What is access needs?