what is an illegal drug
Harmful drugs that are used against the law
What is cocaine
Powder cocaine is a hydro salt derived from processed extracts of the leaves of the coca plant.
what is Heroin
Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine.
What is meth?
Meth is a powerfully addictive stimulant that is both long-lasting and toxic to the brain.
what is LSD
LSD is a potent hallucinogen that alters your thoughts and and your perception of reality
why do people get this drug
for religious and healing rituals
Why do people purchase this drug
it produces a dangerous high that is hard not to like. Cocaine has long been seen as a recreational weekend party drug for the rich.
why do people buy this drug
A number of studies have suggested that people transitioning from abuse of prescription opioids to heroin cite that heroin is cheaper and more available
what are the risk
Meth can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and elevated body temperatures.(organ failure)
What are the risk
Increased heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and body temperature.
what are the effects of Hallucinogens
Distorts visual judgment, sensation, mood, and feeling
What are the risk of Cocaine
Increased heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. seizures , cardiac arrest and death
what are the effects of Heroin
Heroin is a highly addictive drug that can cause physical dependency.
the long term affect
Meth over long term abuse can cause extreme weightloss, dental problems, and lead to sores and scabs on your skin and face
what are the long term affect
LSD can cause severe depression, flashbacks of when you were taking the drug, and long-lasting psychoses.
what are hallucinogens
The active chemical in hallucinogenic mushrooms is called psilocybin this chemical is found in approximately 190 species of mushrooms
What is Cocaine and where does it come from
Mexican traffickers sell cocaine to American wholesale dealers.
where does Heroin come from
Heroin is poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest
where does the name come meth from
also called meth, crank, crystal meth or speed
why do people use LSD
causes the senses of space, distance, and time to become altered
what are the long term affects
Hallucinogens can cause flash backs of feelings and thoughts that replay the effects of being on the drug weeks or even years after taking them. They also put you at risk of developing psychoses or mental disorders.
what are the after affects of cocaine
fatigue, lack of pleasure, anxiety, irritability, sleepiness, and sometimes agitation or extreme suspicion or paranoia
what are the long term affects
Collapsed or clogged veins,Skin abscesses Heart or circulatory infections.Liver,kidney disease,Constipation,Stomach cramps and Pneumonia
what does meth look like
which can vary depending on how it’s manufactured and the additives mixed with it.
What does LSD look like
Tablets, pills and capsules