You can tell your patient she is in true labor when you observe these two clinical signs.
Regular contractions and cervical dilation/effacement
The labor and delivery nurse closely monitors the patient during and after this procedure for this.
What is an epidural and hypotension?
Second by second changes in fetal heart rate.
What is variability?
The escape route can be wrought with challenges to its navigator.
What is the passageway and passenger?
Opioid analgesia during late active labor can lead to this possible effect.
What is neonatal respiratory depression?
6 to 25 bpm
What is moderate variability?
I am not made of jewels but I surround the fetal head just before birth.
What is vulvar crowning?
A pudendal nerve block is an option during this stage of labor.
What is stage 4?
Fetal heart rate that drops as the contraction begins to subside.
What are late decelerations?
The nurse observes a fetal monitor showing 6 uterine contractions during a ten-minute interval.
What is uterine tachysystole?
Nonpharmacological strategies that illustrate the gate-theory of pain management.
What are back massage, acupuncture, acupressure, and intradermal water block?
Left lateral position.
Maternal position that enhances the largest amount of blood flow to the uterus.
Oxytocin infusion dose is increased during this stage of labor to facilitate delivery of the placenta.
What is stage 3?
This can lead to increased pain and ineffective uterine contractions.
What is anxiety?
Mnemonic used to remember fetal heart rate patterns and nursing interventions.