How often do the seasons change?
What is every 3 months
How many phases of the moon are there?
What is eight
What shape is Earth's orbit?
What is an ellipse
What moon phase occurs during a lunar eclipse?
What is a full moon
How do scientists believe the Universe was created?
What is the Big Bang Theory
On what day does the summer solstice occur in northern hemisphere?
What is June 21st
What percent of the moon is always lit no matter what phase we see?
What is 50%
What is at the center of our solar system?
What is the sun?
What occurs when the moon’s shadow hits Earth and/or Earth's shadow hits the moon?
What is a lunar and solar eclipse
What galaxy is Earth apart of?
What is The Milky Way
When the northern hemisphere is experiencing fall, the southern hemisphere is experiencing what season?
What is spring?
What phase are we in when less and less of the moon is seen at night?
What is waning
What causes day and night to occur?
What is Earth's rotation
What occurs when the moon moves directly between the sun and Earth?
What is a solar eclipse
What is a group of stars in a defined boundary called?
What is a constellation
What causes the Earth to experience seasons?
What is Earth's tilt
What moon phase occurs when the sun, moon, and Earth line up in that order?
What is a new moon
Approximately how long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth?
What is 27.3 days
What is the partially shadowed region called during an eclipse during an eclipse?
What is the penumbra
Why can't we see the shape of our galaxy from Earth?
We are in it!
What are we experiencing when the sun is the farthest point north or south?
What is a solstice
How long does it take for the moon to go from 1st quarter to 3rd quarter?
What is 2 weeks
During an equinox, the sun hits what part of Earth?
What is the equator
When experiencing total darkness during a solar eclipse on Earth, you are where?
The umbra
What is the scientific name of the North Star?
What is Polaris