Is the sky blue on a sunny day?
It is blue.
Is Tokyo capital of Japan?
Do kangaroos live in Australia?
They live in Australia.
Is pizza made with cheese?
It is made with cheese.
Is Harry Potter a real person?
He is a fictional character.
Do cows drink milk?
They don't drink milk.
Is Africa a country?
It is a continent.
Can fish live out of water?
It can't live.
Is chocolate salty?
It is not salty. It is sweet.
He painted the Mona Lisa.
Is the moon bigger than the sun?
It is not bigger than the sun.
Is the Pacific Ocean the biggest ocean in the world?
It is the biggest.
Do elephants have small ears?
They don't have small ears.
Do potatoes grow in trees?
They grow in the ground.
Is Michael Jackson a famous football player?
He is a famous singer.
There are seven days in a week.
Is Paris capital of Germany?
It is not capital of Germany.
Are penguins bird?
They are birds.
Is rice a fruit?
It is not a fruit.
Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon?
He walked on the moon.
Can birds sleep?
yes they can sleep
Is the Great Wall in India?
It is in China.
Do bears eat plants?
They eat plants.
Do people eat curry in Japan?
They eat curry.
Is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai?
It is in Dubai.