The amount of the schoolday that you have lunch for.
What is 1/8?
What is 2?
-3x + 16
When x = 2.
What is 10?
The coordinate pair for the origin.
What is (0,0)?
x + 1 > 10
What is x > 9
or 9 < x?
The sum of 7/48 + 6/48 + 15/48 + 10/48 +10/48.
What is 48/48 or 1?
What is 3?
3(x - 2)
When x = 5
What is 9?
The coordinates of (x1, y1) if starting at the origin, we go 3 units to the right and 4 units to the left.
What are (3,4)?
x/6 < 0
What is x < 0
or 0 > x?
The difference between 1/3 and 1/4.
What is 1/12?
What is -2?
5/(4x - 3)
When x = 20
What is 5/77?
Two lines are parallel if they have this slope.
What is the same slope?
-10x > 70
What is x < -7
or -7 > x?
Multipling a fraction or a decimal by 100 gives you this.
What is a percentage?
100/100, 100/50, 100/25, 1000/125, 10000/625
What is 2?
*Daily Double*
.2(100 - x) + 0.05x
When x = -100
What is 20?
The slope of a line that crosses both blue sections.
What is negative?
4x + 8 < 32
What is x < 6
or 6 > x?
1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 +1/32
What is 31/32?
What is 1/3?
5 - 2[3x - (x - 2)]
When x = 2/3
What is -5/3?
The axis "Category" and "Estimated Cost" would each be if graphed on a coordinate plane.
What are x-axis (for Category) and y-axis (for Estimated Cost)?
9 < -3x < 24
What is -8 < x < -3
or -3 > x > -8?