That's So Meta
Quite the Scholar
I'm a Professional
"Hey Teach!"
Do You Know Your WUTPPer

The two types of cognitive load you want to minimize and the type of cognitive load you want maximize to support learning?

What are intrinsic and extraneous (minimize), and germane (maximize)?


These pitfalls can make MCQ question items more difficult than intended (Name at least 3)

What are: 1) Awkward stem structure, 2) Extraneous or misleading info, 3) Negative stem, 4) True/false response options, 5) "none of the above", 6) K-type questions, 7) Vague or generalizing terms (sometimes, frequently, often, occasionally), 8) Unrelated distractors, 9) A/B/both/neither


The five teaching perspectives in the TPI (Name all 5).

What are: 1) Transmission, 2) Apprenticeship, 3) Developmental, 4) Nurturing, 5) Social Reform


The 4 domains of teaching competency in peer observation of self-reflection of teaching.

What are Learning Environment, Learner Engagement, Teaching Style, and Session Management?


The number of WUTPP fellows who have a partner who is a WUTPP alum?

What is 2?  (Cassie - Jeff Marinshaw; Lauren - Matt Sattler)


Three theories of motivation in learning (from Dr. Butler's lecture) 

What are: 1) Expectancy-Value, 2) Goal Orientation,
3) Attribution 


The definitions of "Assessment" versus "Evaluation". 

What are:  Assessment identifies the performance level of an individual, and Evaluation determines the degree to which a program achieved set goals


Dr. Fraser recommends challenging and delegating items in this box on the 2x2 matrix of Important v Urgent.

What is Box 3 (Not Important, Urgent)?


The definition of Interprofessional Education. (there are 3 critical components)

What is:  When two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes.

This was Dr. Kao's college major.

What is Civil Engineering and Architecture?


TBL aligns with this learning theory.

What is constructivism?  (learners construct their own knowledge by applying information to solve problems and engage in group discussions, rather than passively receiving information from a teacher)


Likert scales are analyzed as this type of variable for your statistical analysis plan.

What is an Ordinal Variable?


The 7 domains of competency of the clinician educator according to Sherbino.

What are:  1) Assessment, 2) Communication, 3) Teaching, 4) Curriculum Development, 5) Education Theory, 6) Leadership, 7) Scholarship


The 3 types of AI from Dr. O'Connor's lecture.

What are:  1) Artificial Narrow Intelligence "ANI", e.g. current Siri, 2) Artificial General Intelligence "AGI", 3) Artificial Super Intelligence "ASI"


This is the total number of sub-specialties represented in your WUTPP 2 fellow cohort

What is 12? 

1) nephrology, 2) cardiology, 3) endocrinology, 4) geriatrics, 5) pulm crit/care, 6) peds hospitalist, 7) neonatal/perinatal, 8) MFM, 9) Gyn-Onc, 10) general surgery, 11) rad/onc, 12) rheumatology


The 3 important factors to consider in the Teaching Perspective Inventory when reflecting on your teaching?

What are Actions, Intentions, and Beliefs?


The 5 categories of evidence in Messick's Framework.

What are: 1) Content evidence, 2) Response process, 3) Internal Structure (Reliability), 4) Relationship to Other Variables, 5) Consequences.


This describes the differences between a coach versus mentor versus sponsor

What are: 1) a coach helps you determine next steps in your goals, 2) a mentor helps support and guide you along a shared agenda/goal, 3) a sponsor is someone who has not necessarily worked directly with you but recommends you for opportunities.

Coaches talk with you, mentors talk to you, sponsors talk about you.


The Mayer's principle that states that people learn more deeply from graphics + narration than from graphics + narration + on screen text.

What is the Redundancy Principle?



What are: 1) ice cream, 2) COPS5, 3) Placenta, 4) Global Health, 5) Bipap, 6) Braille, 7) Sudoku, 8) Endocrine lab testing, 9) photography, 10) coffee production, 11) donuts and demons, 12) Babies on a Plane, 13) Liquid Gold (urine), 14) Baby Led Weaning, 15) Healthy Aging and Golf, 16) PMR and GCA


The 4 steps in Self-Regulated Learning Theory as mentioned in Dr. Awad's simulation lecture.

What are: 1) Observational - learner watches, 2) Emulative - imitates the instructor (or instructional media), 3) Self-control stage - self-selects sources of learning, 4) Adaptive stage – successfully and spontaneously adapts to new situations


The assumptions of workplace based assessments that can limit validity and reliability (Name 3) 

What are: 1) there is a single correct performance, 2) performance is static and transferrable, 3) There is uniformity of raters in assessing learners 


The 5 domains of competence of the clinician educator according to the ACGME.

What are: 1) Universal Pillars, 2) Educational Theory and Practice, 3) Well-Being, 4) DEI in the learning environment, 5) Administration


The 7 dirty words in Interprofessional Education. 

What are: 1) Allied (Health Professional), 2) Clinicals (Experiential Placement), 3) Doctor (Physician), 4) Interdisciplinary (Interprofessional), 5) Medical (Health), 6) My (Our), 7) Patient (Participant)


The 4 medical school deans or former deans who have taught you during WUTPP didactics (Including associate and assistant deans)

Who are Dr. Emke (Assistant Dean for student Assessment), Dr. Sonn (Assoc Dean of Student Affairs), Dr. Awad (former Associate Dean of medical student education), Dr. Aagaard (Senior Associate Dean and Vice Chancellor of Medical Education). 
