Name 3 sports Shuda played in high-school?
What is Shuda's title after his last degree? Bonus 50 points for full title*
Dr Shuda (BSc, MSc, DC)
What is Shuda's new nephews name
What was the wedding hashtag?
What is Shudas fav colour
Who is Shuda's favorite soccer player
(Hint available if neither team gets the answer)
Name 3 post secondary schools Shuda attended
York U
What were the 2 dishes Shuda cooked i Waterloo to win over Thivjas friends?
Kadalai curry
When is baby Shuda's expected due date?
What is Shuda's go to Tims order
Medium icecap with vanilla syrup
When did Shuda first start playing soccer, bonus 50 pts what was the team name?
Age 5
Why did Shuda transfer to Waterloo? 👀
For love
A couple years ago Shuda had to drive his friend to the hospital at 2-3am, what happened? Bonus 50 pts for name of friend.
shrimp allergy, Krishna
What colour dress was Thivja wearing when Shuda first met her?
Off white/pink
What is Shuda's favorite thamil movie?
KGF Chapter 1
What was the jersey # Shuda wore when he went to MTL and forgot all his stuff?
At york Shuda had to do a challenge for initiation on the soccer team, what was that challenge?
Haircut - Cross
When Shuda was born Maami brought Shuda to the airport to pick up an aunt (used him as like those airport signs) when the aunt saw him what did she say ? Bonus 50pts: Who was the aunt?
How could Rohini have a dark son like this?
Chandra periyamma
How many months have we been together?
98 months
What city is #1 on Shuda's travel bucket list
Barcelona, Spain
In elementary school Shuda and Seiyone had a sports competition but missed the bus so they went straight to the event only to find out that the bus didn’t leave without them and was still waiting for them. What sport was this?
Cross country
Shuda attended Glamorgan from grade 1-6… what was their schools mascot?
In 2002, Shuda and his family (hint: mom's side) watched a movie that got everyone emotional. What was the movie called? Hint will be provided if both sides don't guess.
Kannathil muthamidal
In which Italian city did we find out we were pregnant?
When does Shuda plan on retiring from soccer?