This block is essential for crafting tools and weapons in the early game.
This mob explodes when it gets close to the player.
What items are required to craft a wooden pickaxe?
3 wooden planks and 2 sticks?
This biome features tall trees, ferns, and wolves.
taiga biome
Minecraft was officially released in this year.
: This rare ore is used to craft the strongest armor and tools.
This mob is neutral unless provoked, and it will attack players if they hit it or its baby.
Iron golem
What item is crafted with 4 iron ingots and 1 redstone dust?
What is a compass?
This biome is home to endermena and chorus plants.
This blocky game was created by this developer, also known as "Notch."
Who is Markus Persson?
This decorative block is made by combining sand and gravel with dye.
What is concrete?
This mob can spawn in swamps and is known for its distinct long limbs and the ability to regenerate health quickly.
What ingredients are needed to craft a potion of fire resistance?
What are a water bottle, nether wart, and magma cream?
This biome is made of sand and often contains villages and pyramids.
This major update added bees, honey blocks, and honeycomb.
What is the Buzzy Bees update (1.15)?
This block drops nothing when mined unless a Silk Touch pickaxe is used.
What is glass?
This hostile mob can spawn in the Overworld when a player has a high enough level of the "Bad Omen" effect, and it leads a group of Illagers.
What is a pillager captain?
To craft this item, you need 5 gold ingots and 1 nether star.
This biome contains unique terrain with terracotta and red sand and is one of the best places to find gold ore near the surface.
What is the badlands biome?
The first-ever version of Minecraft was released under this title.
The cave game
This unique block changes its texture depending on which biome it is placed in.
Grass block
This mob can be found in the End, and it teleports randomly and can spawn smaller versions of itself, all while attacking with its breath.
ender dragon's breath attackor a shulker's projectile attack?
To craft this utility block, you need 3 smooth stone, 5 iron ingots, and 1 furnace.
blast furnace
In this rare biome, players can find podzol, giant spruce trees, and mossy cobblestone boulders.
What is the old growth spruce taiga biome?
Before being renamed to Mojang Studios, Mojang's original logo featured this symbol.
What is a crafting table?