Who is named the saint for Jesus' command to forgive?
Through what sacrament do we receive both God's forgiveness for the sins we commit after baptism and his grace not to sin?
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
Where is the Eucharist celebrated?
The Eucharist is celebrated at Mass.
What is the first Commandment?
Love God more than you love anything else.
What three things do you need to find a verse in the Bible?
1. Book
2. Chapter
3. Verse Number
Sin shows disrespect for God.
Who did Jesus give the authority to forgive sins?
* three answers
Through the words of the bishop or priest and the power of the Holy Spirit, our sins are forgiven
Fill in the blank.
At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the Sacrament of _____________.
At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Fill in the blank.
I am the Lord your God you shall not have other _______ besides me.
I am the Lord your God you shall not have other Gods besides me.
What is the first book of the Bible?
Fill in the blank.
_____________ invites us to ask for and __________ God's forgiveness for our sins.
THE HOLY SPIRIT invites us to ask for and ACCEPT God's forgiveness for our sins.
Define what the phrase "I absolve you" means.
It means, I forgive you. You are free from your sins.
What is shared with us during Holy Communion?
We receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
True or False? In Commandments 1,2, and 3, we learn ways to love ourselves and God
False. Commandments 1,2, and 3 teach us how to love God.
The Bible is made up of how many parts? What are the names of the parts?
Part 1: The Old Testamenet
Part 2: The New Testament
Define temptation and give an example.
Temptation is all that leads us away from God and his love.
Ex: You are taking a math test. Then, you notice that your friend’s paper is slightly visible from the corner of your eye. The temptation to sneak a quick peek at the answer is strong, even though you know that cheating is wrong and could get in trouble.
What are the four parts of celebrating the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation? Define one part.
1. Confession
2. Penance
3. Contrition
4. Absolution
What are four names for the Eucharist. Define one of them.
1. The Lord's Supper
2. Breaking of Bread
3. The Holy Sacrifice
4. The Mass
Who were the Ten Commandments given to?
From what part of Adam's body did God Create Eve?
Eve was created from Adam's Rib
What were Jesus' words as he was near death on the cross?
"Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."
Luke 23:34
What is the difference between committing a sin and making a mistake?
Sin: Freely choosing to do or say what we know is against God's will.
Mistake: Doing something wrong, even if you did not mean to - on accident.
What did Jesus say to his Apostles when he broke the bread during his last meal?
"This is my Body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me."
What does Sabbath mean and which Commandment mentions it?
Sabbath means to rest and Worship and Commandment 4 mentions it.
Find Psalm 117:1-2 and read it.
page 934.