What does the word gospel mean?
Good news
Why did Joseph and Mary make the trip to Bethlehem?
Because of the decree from Caesar that everyone was to return to their hometowns to be counted in a census.
What did Mary dress the baby in?
Wrapped in cloths or swaddling clothes
What were the shepherds doing in the field in the middle of the night?
keeping watch over their flocks/sheep
What does the angel announce to the shepherds?
He has good news to share!
Do not be afraid
What is the good news in Luke?
Jesus died for my sins.
What was the name of the empire?
The Roman Empire
Where did Mary place the baby to sleep?
In a manger
What was the shepherds reaction to seeing the angels?
They shepherds were filled with great fear.
What sign does the angel tell the shepherds to look for?
The angel tells the shepherd that they will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.
Why did Jesus die for my sins?
So I can have abundant life in relationship with Him now and forever.
Whose birthplace did Joseph return to?
What inn did Mary and Joseph stay at when they had the baby?
Barn - there was no room at the inn.
They stayed in a place where mangers are located - where livestock are.
How do the shepherds respond to the angel's message?
Where do they go?
What 3 terms does the angel use to describe the baby?
He is:
1. Savior
2. Christ
3. the Lord
God's undeserved love for sinners.
Why did Joseph have to return to Bethlehem to register?
Each person had to return to their hometown to register for the census. Joseph was a descendant of David. Bethlehem was his hometown.
What does the word manger mean?
A manger is a feeding trough or box for farm animals like horses, cattle, and donkeys. The word "manger" comes from the Latin word manducare, which means "to eat".
When the shepherd's find the baby what do they tell people?
What the angel had said about the child.
All who heard were amazed at what they said.
What suddenly appears with the angel singing praises to God?
What are they proclaiming?
An army of angels.
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased."
What was Luke's job?
He was a Gentile physician.
What town did Joseph and Mary travel from?
What is Mary's reaction to the shepherds' report from the angel?
What does ponder mean?
Mary treasured them up and pondered them in her heart.
Think deeply
What did the shepherd's do after they saw baby Jesus
They went back to the flocks singing praises to God for all they had seen and heard.
What is the name given to the baby?
Jesus, just as the angel had instructed Mary to name him.