What is a nursing pattern that brings services from departtments to the bedside?
Patient focused care.
Which member of the health care team assists persons to learn skills for daily living?
The occupational therapist.
What is OBRA?
The Omnibus Reconcilliation Act of 1987.
A nurse asks youn to do a urinary catheterization, this involves sterile technique. What should you do?
Refguse. The task is beyond the legal limits of your role.
What is verbal communication?
Written or sp[oken words.
What is primary nursing?
An R.N. is responsible for the patients ntotal cars.
What is the function of a Cerrtified Nursing Assistant?
To help the resident with their dailuy hygiene needs (ADL's).
What type of a law is OBRA?
A Federal Law.
When can you nrefuse to mperform a delegated task?
If it is not in your job description.
What are messages sent tjhrough facoial expressions, gestures, posture and body movements?
Body language.
What is the goal of the health care team?
To provide qualituy care.
How should a CNA enter the resident's room?
Knock on the door, identify their self, identify the resident, make sure brakes are locked on the bed or wheel chair and ask what they can do to help the reswident.
Where does OBRA require a training and competency program?
In a nursing center.
What should you do if a nurse asks you to give medication?
In what manner should you address resident's?
Call them by their correct title unless they tell you otherwise.
Who is responsible fopr the entire nursing staff?
The Director of Nurses
What should a CNA do before they leave the resident's room?
Check the brakes on bed or w/c, make sure they have the call light and water available.
What does the competency evaluation require for OBRA?
A written test and a skills evaluation tyest.
Where can yuou find out about the resident's plan of care?
The resident's care plan.
Whast is a lost, absent or impaired physical or mental function?
A disability.
Who gives basic nursing care under the supervision of a licensed nurse?
Certified Nursing Assistants.
How can privacy be provided to the resident?
Pull the privacy curtain or door, shut the window curtains and speak resident care if someone tries to enter.
What must you do if you have not worked as a nursing assistant for 24 months in order to keep a license?
Retake the competency test.
A CNA is also an EMT. The nurse knows you can start ban IV as an EMT but wants you to do this in your CNA role. How do you handle this situation?
Politely refuse and explain why.
What is a common response to illness or disability?