What are the effects of Baptism? Or What does Baptism do? (Name 2)
It washes away of original sin
It makes you a child of God
It makes you a member of the Body of Christ
It is the first of three sacraments of initiation into the Catholic Church
What is the name of our Parish?
St Anthony of Padua
Who were the first man and woman created in the image and likeness of God?
Adam and Eve
What is Transubstantiation?
The changing of water and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
Which sacrament offers forgiveness for mortal and venial sin?
Reconciliation or Confession
Where was Jesus baptized?
The Jordan River
Name one priest in our parish.
Father JohnBosco and Father Sylvere Baloza
Who did God ask to build the Ark to save the righteous people from the Great Flood?
How often may you receive the Holy Eucharist?
Once every day.
Who instituted the sacraments?
A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.
There are three things necessary to constitute a sacrament:
Who attends Baptism and promises to help the new Christian live a life of faith?
God Parents
Name 2 deacons who serve our parish.
Deacon Bruce, Deacon Regi, Deacon Woodall, Deacon Duncan
In what town was Jesus born?
How long are you expected to fast from food and water before mass to help prepare for receiving Christ?
One hour
What are the three sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church?
Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation
What color is associated with Baptism?
Who is our Music Minister?
Mr. Kevin Verbe
To whom did God give the Ten Commandments?
What do we call the permanent and secure vessel for holding the Holy Eucharist (blessed hosts)?
The Tabernacle
Which three sacraments can you receive more than once?
Reconciliation, Communion or Eucharist, and Anointing of the Sick.
What is removed through the sacrament of baptism?
Original Sin
What disaster happened to our parish in 1970?
A fire on September 15, 1970, destroyed the church building located at the corner of Irby Street and Palmetto Street. In 1973, the church we know today on Hoffmeyer Road held its first mass on Easter Sunday.
What young shepherd defeated a mighty giant with a rock, a sling, and the power of God?
David, who later became King David.
What are two ways to receive Holy Communion or Holy Eucharist?
On your tongue or your palm.
Name 5 of the 7 sacraments.
1. Baptism
2. Reconciliation
3. Eucharist
4. Confirmation
5. Matrimony
6. Holy Orders
7. Anointing of Sick