"Don Quijote" was written by Miguel de Cervantes
Who was "Don Quijote" written by?
Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
What is water made of?
A phone is used for calling or texting people
What is a phone used for?
Finding Nemo is about a fish
What is Finding Nemo about?
I'm listening to music
What are you listening to?
Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling
Who was Harry Potter written by?
The Eiffel Tower is made of iron
What is the Eiffel Tower made of?
A camera is used for taking photos
What is a camera used for?
Harry Potter is about a wizard
What is Harry Potter about?
I'm going to Italy next
Where are you going to next?
The "Mona Lisa" was painted by Leonardo da Vinci
Who was the "Mona Lisa" painted by?
The Golden Gate Bridge is made of steel
What is the Golden Gate Bride made of?
A key is used for locking doors
What is a key used for?
Cinderella is about a princess who loses her slipper at a ball
What is Cinderella about?
The Superbowl was won by the Philadephia Eagles
Who was the Superbowl won by?
"The Starry Night" was painted by Vincent van Gogh
Who was "The Starry Night" painted by?
The Statue of Liberty is made of copper
What is the Statue of Liberty made of?
A clock is used for telling time
What is a clock used for?
The Lion King is about the life of Simba
What is the Lion King about?
I'm scared of spiders
What are you scared of?
The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison
Who was the light bulb invented by?
King Tut's mask was made of gold
What was King Tut's mask made of?
A compass is used for drawing circles
What is a compass used for?
Alice in Wonderland is about a girl who falls into a fantasy world
What is Alice in Wonderland about?
My phone charger, it was here somewhere
What are you looking for?