What percentage of Earth's water is fresh water?
What is the main ingredient in compost?
Food scraps
What is the primary reason Saturn is so easily recognizable in the night sky?
Its rings!
If you lick a certain mineral, it tastes salty. Which one is it?
What’s the closest living relative to a T. rex?
What do we call the underground layer of water-bearing rock?
What is the name of the process where plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen?
What is the dominant surface feature on Mercury?
Which natural disaster is basically the Earth “burping”?
Volcanic Eruption
What type of rock is most likely to contain fossils?
What is the largest source of fresh water on Earth?
Hint: Name the geological formation
Glaciers and Ice Caps
What element causes the green color in the Northern Lights?
Oxygen atoms
Name a classic mnemonic device to remember the order of the planets
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos
What type of rock is the famous “marble” used in the Parthenon and the Lincoln Memorial?
What was the dominant predator in Earth's oceans before sharks and marine reptiles took over?
Eurypterids: "Sea Scorpions"
What is the largest river by volume in the world?
Which planet has the highest concentration of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere?
What moon has lakes and rivers made of liquid methane?
Which U.S. state is home to the most active volcanoes?
Which period is known as the "Age of Fish" because of the explosion of marine life?
Which ocean is the smallest and shallowest?
What animal is often used as a symbol for environmental conservation?
What gives Neptune its distinctive blue color?
The planet's atmosphere is filled with methane, which absorbs red light and reflects blue light.
The Alter of Sacrifice is a Navajo Sandstone mountain in Zion National Park. What is the mineral that makes the rock appear red.
Hematite (iron oxide)
Which fossil provided the first definitive evidence of feathers in non-avian dinosaurs?