What is a synonym for "obsolete"?
a) Modern
b) Out-of-date
c) Prestigious
d) Intact
b) Out-of-date
To admire someone is to do this.
look up to
This businessman started as a bookkeeper and later controlled the oil industry.
John D. Rockefeller
The ancient city was left ______ after the earthquake.
a) Converted
b) Intact
c) Dismantled
d) Grief-stricken
b) Intact
The adjective form of "authorize".
J.P. Morgan linked railroads, banks, and insurance companies to form these giant business structures. What are these structures called?
What is the adjective form of the word "luxury"?
a) Luxuriously
b) Luxurious
c) Luxuryful
d) Luxurize
b) Luxurious
The bridge is too _______ to cross. (noun form "hazard")
Standard Oil grew powerful by making secret agreements with these transportation companies. What are they?
What does the word "foray" mean?
a) A brief journey or adventure
b) A large estate
c) A luxurious experience
d) A scientific experiment
a) A brief journey or adventure
This means to support a cause or person.
Stand up for
Many businessman influenced congress to pass laws in their favor, leading critics to call this era the "Age of ____ ."
The wealthy businessman owned multiple ______ across the country.
a) Poignants
b) Estates
c) Fieldworks
d) Dismantles
b) Estates
This suffix means "without".
This term describes when one company buys another company to expand its control.