How do you pronounce a "LL" in the alphabet?
Me llamo Julio.
Mi nombre es Julio
Who is Mr. Van Ginhoven
El director
What are the 5 types of verbs
AR, ER, IR, Irregular, Stem-Changing
Nosotros estamos en la clase de espanol
We are in Spanish class
What is 45 in spanish?
cuarenta y cinco
Cuantos anos tienes? (use 80 as your age)
Yo tengo ochenta anos
How do you ask to use the washroom in spanish?
Puedo ir al bano por favor?
How do you structure a sentence with reflexive verbs (Translate the sentence "I shower")
Yo me ducho.
Que Hora Es? (give example)
Son Las _________
What does "como estas" mean and how would you respond (how do you feel right now)
It means how are you
Estoy ---- y tu?
Do you like pizza? (answer in spanish, 2 answers)
Me gusta pizza.
No me gusta pizza.
Como se dice course en espanol?
El curso
What is the difference between Banarse and Ducharse
What is a 'Hermanastro/Hermanastra'
como se escribe giraffe en espanol?
What is your favourite colour? (answer in spanish)
Mi color favorito es -----
What we write with (2 answers)
- un lapiz
- un boligrafo
What is a reflexive verb
They end in SE but then you take the SE and move it to after the subject pronoun
How do you say teacher in spanish?
Como SE dice maestro en Espanol
How do you ask/respond to a teacher when talking about how their doing?
Como esta usted?
Estoy --- gracias y usted?
Cuando es tu cumpleanos?
Mi cumpleanos es ------ de -----
How do you ask to go get your back pack in spanish?
Puedo ir por mi mochilla?
What are the 2 acronyms used for ser/estar
Mi Madre cocina, limpia, baila y canta
My mother cooks, cleans, dances, and sings