Which bone forms the forehead?
Frontal Bone
Which facial bone forms the chin?
Answer: Mandible
What is the primary function of the bones in the skull?
To protect the brain
Which suture connects the frontal bone to the parietal bones?
Coronal suture
Which cranial bone is located directly behind the forehead and forms the front portion of the skull?
Frontal bone
The occipital bone is located at the back of the head. What is its main function?
It protects the brain and forms the base of the skull.
The nasal cavity is made up of bones from the face. Which bone is commonly referred to as the "cheekbone"?
Answer: Zygomatic bone
What role do the sinuses in the skull play?
They moisten and warm the inhaled air
and improve voice resonance
What is the name of the suture that connects the two parietal bones at the top of the skull?
Answer: Sagittal suture
Which bone is located at the back of the skull and contains the foramen magnum?
Occipital bone
Which cranial bone is shaped like a butterfly and houses the pituitary gland?
Sphenoid bone
Which bone forms the bridge of the nose?
Nasal bone
The skull has a function in sensory organs. Which bones in the skull protect the eyes?
The orbital bones (frontal, zygomatic, maxilla, etc.)
Which suture separates the occipital bone from the parietal bones?
Answer: Lambdoid suture
Which bone is located on the side of the head and forms part of the ear canal?
Temporal bone
The parietal bones form the sides and roof of the cranium. How many of these bones are there?
Which facial bone has a structure known as the "palatine process," and contributes to the roof of the mouth?
Answer: Maxilla
The foramen magnum is a large opening in the skull. What is its purpose?
It allows the spinal cord to pass from the brain to the rest of the body.
The squamosal suture separates which bones in the skull?
The temporal and parietal bones
Which bone is located beneath the frontal bone and houses the frontal sinus?
Sphenoid bone
Which cranial bone is located at the sides and roof of the skull, and forms part of the top of the head?
Parietal bone
Which bone is located in the lower jaw and is the only movable bone in the skull?
Which part of the skull helps protect the brain and also supports facial structures like the eyes and mouth?
Cranial bones
The squamosal suture connects which two bones in the skull?
Temporal and parietal bones
Which cranial bone forms the back portion of the skull and helps protect the brain?
Occipital bone