Who should I talk to about grades
What is my school counselor
The sound geese make when flying
What is ......
This is the definition of resiliency
What is the ability to bounce back from something hard
The persons who can handle discipline
What are the safety assistants
The shape geese fly in
What is a V-shape
The best person that teaches us resiliency
WHo is Mr. Logan
The person that collects absent notes
What is the attendance monitor near office
This is what's done when someone gets tired
What is rotate to the back/allow someone to take over/take a break
The best thing to do when a class is difficult
What is get help/coach class
The person that can answer athletic/sports questions
Who is the atheltic director (Coach Locke)
The geese will do this when seeing another injured or hurt
What is stay with them until they are healed
The thing that makes us resilient
What is grit
The best resource in school?
What is ME
The first goose breaks up this
The best thing to do when you hear that someone has talked about you