This place is know as the home of Adam and Eve
What is Garden of Eden
This person is credited with creating REZD youth with Pastor Dustin
Who is Peyton
This continent is the largest one in the world
What is Asia
This person is credited with building the Ark
Who is Noah
This person was the original leader of the Forge Crew
Who is Cynthia
What is Central Perk
Joseph was given this gift by Jacob that resulted in Joseph's brother becoming jealous
What is a coat of many colors
This year REZD youth kicked off its first service
What is 2020
What is World Wide Web
The walls of this city fell so that Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it
What is Jericho
REZD youth in our first youth camp had this team name with the color purple
What is Endgamers
The tiny wrapped piece at the end of a shoelace
What is an aglet
What is 3 John
This Pastor has guest spoke 2 times at REZD Youth
Who is Christian
This soft drink is credited with being the oldest soft drink in America
What is Dr. Pepper