How do you say "que" in Ingles
The correct word for que is "WHAT"
Who is the Mexican president?
The correct answer for who the Mexican president is is "Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo".
por que el 5 de mayo es feriado?
por que es la pelea de puebla
How do you say "naranja" in ingles?
The correct word is orange.
What is the most-known city in Mexico?
The correct answer is mexico city
How do you say good in spanish?
The correct word is Bueno.
Is Mexico a peninsula?
Yes mexico is a penisula
What are the two most known holidays in Mexico?
The correct answer is the day of Independencia or Anniversario of Independencia September 16
What is the most known food in Mexico?
The answer is tacos.
What is the biggest city in Mexico?
the anser is mexico city
How do you say "que tenga un buen dia" in English?
The correct answer is "Have a good day".
what is the population of Mexico?
the answer is 128.5 million.
What is a holiday in Mexico that Americans celebrate?
The correct answer is the day of the dead.
What is a type of Mexican food that Americans eat
the correct answer is tacos
how old is mexico city
the anser is 699 years
Como se dice "necesito mas practica" en ingles?
la respuesta correcta es " I need more practice".
How Big is Mexico country?
The answer is 1,964,375 sq km.
how many holidays are in Mexico?
There are ten national holidays in Mexico.
What was the first Mexican food made in America?
the answer is fajitas
how meany citys are in mexico?
the anser is 401
how do you say " i love when my mom makes food" in Spanish.
the correct answer is "Me encanta cuando mi mama hace comida"
How big is the gulf of Mexico?
The answer is 1.6 million km2.
what is the only holiday that Mexico celebrates about a person?
The answer is the day of the dead.
What is the most well-known food in Mexico?
The answer is guacamole.
when was mexico founded?
The anser is 1821.