There are many trees
This is /jego kurtka/
his jacket
I /download/.............. some photos
am downloading
She is eating a HAMBURGER
What is she eating?
Jak zamówisz pizze?
Can I have a pizza, please?
Poland is located by the Baltic....
They /surf/ .... the Internet
are surfing
They are fying to PARIS
Where are they flying?
Jak zaproponujesz wyjście do kina?
Let's go to the cinema
It's hot and dry there. There is no water.
/nasz nauczyciel ......... doesn't like metal music
our teacher
Ben /take/ ...... a selfie
is taking
She is going to a birthday party ON SATURDAY
When is she going to a birthday party?
Jak zapytasz która jest godzina?
What time is it?
You can climb it.
I like Sara but I don't meet .... every day
He /not, cook/ ...... dinner
isn't cooking
She is laughing because SHE IS WATCHING A COMEDY
Why is she laughing?
Jak zapytasz ile to kosztuje?
How much is it?
Śniardwy is the biggest ...... in Poland
We are from Japan but ...... grandparents are from Poland
Our grandparents /not, use/ ....... their computer
aren't using
TOM is playing football
Who is playing football?
Jak zapytasz kolegę skąd jest?
Where are you from?