Name for people we love
Our Quern
Our place
The first Broadway show we saw together
The Book of Mormon
Stuffed my dad
Your least favorite movie
The Menu
How we say I love you
The first place we ever stayed together
The Pig Hill Inn
Drinks we got for free on our second date
Shots of Limoncello
Our hallpasses
Mary Steenburgen and Will Ferrell
Your favorite movie I've made you watch
Easy A
Fake name you gave Eric
First bar we went to with all of our friends
12th Street
What we ate on your 25th birthday
Caviar flight on mini pancakes at The Russian Tea Room
Your favorite impression that I do
Ed Asner
Why I am mad
I am not taller
3rd bar we went to on our first date
First surprise I ever got you (bonus for why)
Tonight Dough Ice Cream (because of promotion)
What I will name our dog
The first movie we watched together
The first lie I ever told you
That I liked The Cardigan
Where we went on our first daytime date
La Colombe
Bar the night I met your sister and cousins (Jess took it)
Your serenaders
The Russian family
What I fell asleep to on my couch
Supersize Me