What is "you are loved"?
Rome founded
What is "753 BCE"?
King of the gods.
Who is Jupiter?
What is "hearing"?
capta sum
What is "I was captured"?
What is "they killed"?
Republic founded
What is "509 BCE"?
It ended in 1184 BCE.
What is the Trojan War?
What is "going to destroy"?
What is "they were heard"?
What is "I will have done/made"?
The term for the legal execution and confiscation of a political enemy's property?
What is "proscription"?
Slayer of the Minotaur; mythical king of Athens.
Who is Theseus?
feminarum captarum
What is "of the captured women"?
urbs a Caesare deleta erat.
What is "the city had been destroyed by Caesar"?
What is "y'all said"?
assassination of Julius Caesar
What is 44 BCE?
The god of metalworking, metallurgy, craftsmanship, etc.
Who is Vulcan?
A perfect passive participle comes from the
What is the last principal part of the verb?
diceris esse bonus.
What is "you are said to be good"?
annexation of Greece, destruction of Carthage
What is 146 BCE?
Also known as the Far-Shooter and the Far-Seer.
Who is Apollo?
A future active participle comes from the
What is the "last principal part of the verb"?