This company produces Gatorade today
What is Pepsi Co
Zeus is the god of this
What is lightning and the sky
What is the University of Florida
A man once drank 40 oz of Gatorade an hour, he is now _____
What is dead
Zeus's roman name
What is Jupiter
This was the original name of Gatorade
What is Gator-aid
Gatorade comes in these 2 forms
What is liquid and powder
These beings created Zeus's lightning bolt
What are the cyclopes
During this year Gatorade was created
What is 1965
A 12 oz bottle of Gatorade contains this many grams of sugar
What is 21 grams
Zeus takes this animal's form
What is an eagle
This was the first Gatorade flavor
What is Lemon-Lime
In this sport Gatorade is the only drink allowed to the players besides water
What is Basketball
Zeus was the __ god to be born
What is 6th
This company purchased Gatorade in 1983
What is Quaker Oats