This is what percent means.
What is per hundred?
50% is equivalent to this fraction.
What is 1/2?
10% of 50.
What is 5?
If 75% of voters agreed with a proposal and 90 people voted, how many agreed?
What is 67.5 or rounded 68?
If a shirt costs $10 and is on sale for 10% off, what is the discount amount?
What is $1?
50% of a number is equivalent to this operation.
What is division by 2?
Convert 25% to a decimal.
What is 0.25?
20% of 200.
What is 40?
A shirt costs $20, and the tax rate is 10%. What is the total cost?
What is $22?
A jacket costs $50 and is discounted by 20%. What is the discount amount?
What is $10?
To calculate a percentage of 100, you use this operation.
What is multiplication?
The percentage form of 0.75.
What is 75%?
5% of 60.
What is 3?
You score 80% on a test with 50 questions. How many questions did you answer correctly?
What is 40?
You save 15% on a $60 purchase. How much do you save?
What is $9?
This is the whole number equivalent of 0%.
What is 0?
0.5 is equivalent to this percentage.
What is 50%?
15% of 150.
What is 22.5?
If Sarah spent 30% of her $90 allowance, how much did she spend?
What is $27?
A $40 dress is on sale with a 25% discount. What is the discount amount?
What is $10?
This process changes a percentage to a decimal.
What is divide by 100?
Convert 1/4 to a percentage.
What is 25%?
12% of 75.
What is 9?
A park is 40% larger than last year when it was 100 acres. How many acres is it now?
What is 140 acres?
A $100 phone has a 30% discount. How much do you pay?
What is $70?