In the third and fourth rakaat, one can recite either ____ or ____
a person can either recite one Surat al-Hamd or say one al-tasbīhāt al-arba’ah
What is a mustahab act while qiyam?
Looking at the mohr
Women to keep feet together
How far do you have to bow in rukoo?
Recommended for a woman - should place her hands above her knees and not push back her knees.
How many parts of your body must touch the floor in sajdah? Name them all
2 toes, 2 knees, 2 palms, forehead
What are the mubtilaat us salat? How many are there?
Is it wajib to raise your hands in takbirat-ul-ehraam?
No, it is mustahab
If someone intentionally before standing up straight and before his body has become still goes into sajdah his prayer is
If he intentionally goes into sajdah before standing, his prayer is invalid; and the same applies, based on obligatory precaution, if he intentionally goes into sajdah before his body has become still.”
When going into sajdah, should women place their hands on the ground first or their knees?
when one wants to go into sajdah, a man should place his hands on the ground first and a woman her knees first
Are we allowed to place our hands on top of one another while qiyam of prayers?
No, based on obligatory precaution
How loudly should one recite takbir, Surat al-Hamd, the other surah, dhikr in namaaz?
Such that he at least hears his own voice
What is the standing before rukoo called?
al-qiyām al-muttasil bil-rukū’
Is there a wajib salawaat in namaaz? If yes, when?
Based on obligatory precaution in prayers, which 2 surahs are counted as one surah.
Surat al-Duhā’ and ‘Surat InSharh - Surat al-Fīl’ and ‘Surah Quraysh
Which 2 qiyams are rukn in namaz?
Standing while saying takbīrat al-ihrām
and standing before rukū’
What happens if a person, before bending all the way forward to the position of rukū’ and before his body becomes still, intentionally says the dhikr of rukū’
His prayer is invalid unless he says the dhikr of rukū’ again while his body is still
11.Sarah doubts whether she has forgotten a sajdah or not.
What should she do?
Ruling 1245. If a person doubts whether or not he has forgotten a sajdah or tashahhud, it is not obligatory on him to make up the sajdah or the sajdat al-sahw.”
Define rukn actions? How many are there? Name them all
Obligatory components of the prayer are Rukn,
i.e. if one does not perform them or duplicate them – whether intentionally or mistakenly – the prayer is BATIL.
There are 5 - Niyyah, takbirtaul ehraam, Qiyam, Ruku, Sajdah
List any three of the four things that are wajib in qiyam?
You Should Stand Straight, Facing the Qiblah
You Should Not Lean on Anything While Standing
You Should Stand on Your Whole Feet, Not on Your Heels or Toes
You Should Stand Still
Shabnam just did her 1st Sajdah when she remembered she had forgotten to do her Ruku’.
How will she rectify this?
If after one’s forehead touches the ground, he remembers that he did not perform rukū’,
it is necessary that he stands up and performs rukū’;
and in case he remembers in the second sajdah,
then based on obligatory precaution, his prayer is invalid.”
Aminah was reciting her Subh Namaaz. In the Qir'at of her 2nd Rakaat she realised she had missed one Sajdah of the previous Rakaat. What should she do?
If a person forgets one sajdah and remembers it before performing rukū’ of the next rak’ah, he must go back and perform it;
and based on recommended precaution, he should perform two sajdat al-sahws for the additional standing.”
Excerpt From: Al Sayyid Ali Al-Husayni Al-Sistani. “Islamic Laws.” Apple Books.