Who is POTUS
Honorable Donald J Trump
Silver Eagle
Colonel O-6
1st AF core value
Integrity first
1st stanza 3rd line
I have answered my nations call
1st stanza
Off we go into the wild blue yonder
Commander 914th ARW
Col. Joseph “20 Grit” Contino
2 silver bars
Captain O-3
Reporting statement
Sir/ma’am trainee last name reports as ordered
3rd stanza line 2
Guardian of freedom and justice
3rd stanza
Here they come zooming to meeting our thunder
Vice commander 914th ARW
Col. Abigail Kent
5 stripes with a star in middle
Tech Sgt E-6
2nd AF core value
Service before self
4th stanza 4th line
I will never falter
7th stanza
We live in fame or go down in flames, Hey!
Command Chief MSgt 914th ARW
CMSgt. Mozette Timmons
One gold bar
2nd LT 0-1
military time 10:55pm
2255 hours
1stanza line 2
I am a warrior
8th stanza
Nothing”ll stop the U.S. Air Force
Chief of staff Air Force
Gen. David W. Allvin
2 silver stars
Major General O-8
3rd AF core value
Excellence in all we do
4th stanza line 2
Wingman, Leader, Warrior
5th stanza
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under