This is why we have DSEC partners create a logic model with us.
What is to help focus on their DSEC-funded programming.
These are what you expect your program participants to gain from attending your program.
What are participant near-term outcomes?
DSEC partners complete this every six months.
What is the CHHEF survey?
This is where you go to access the new data system.
What is Amaze?
These are the things that people do during a program.
What are Program Activities?
This is the best time to administer your participant outcome survey.
What is as determined in your data collection plan?
This is the number of people from an organization who complete the survey.
What is one?
We use this to collect program participants counts and student demographic information.
What is the Administrative Data Survey?
This is the maximum number of Program Activities included for a program in your logic model.
What is three?
Interest in DoD STEM careers is one of these.
What is an outcome factor?
Looking at the who/how/why of relationships among DSEC members if a measure of this.
What is consortium health and effectiveness?
You upload this type of data using a template found on Amaze.
What is location data?
Program activities map directly to these.
What are Program Near-Term Outcomes?
These people complete the participant outcome survey.
Who are ALL participants?
CHHEF stands for this.
What is the Consortium Hub Health Effectiveness Framework?
This system houses DSEC's data and provides partners with a view of their own data.
What is Airtable?