The Constitution:
- The Bill of Rights
- sets up the government
- speech
- sets up the government.
Que cantidad de huesos hay en el cuerpo humano?
Un adulto tiene 206 huesos, un recien nacido tiene 300 huesos.
What is your complete...
- port of entry.
- name
- passport
-- --- ------ are the first three words in the Constitution.
We the People
What is a terrorist Organization?
a violent group angry with the government
The Congress:
- Everyone must follow the law.
- Is part of the government.
- Is a change to the Constitution.
- Is part of the government.
Cual es el tercer planeta del sistema solar?
La Tierra.
What does "marital status" mean?
estado civil.
Please read:
People come to the United States for freedom of speech.
What does "have you ever" mean?
- Como te llamas?
- alguna vez...
- donde trabajas?
- Alguna vez.
What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
the United States
the flag
Como se llama el proceso por el cual las plantas obtienen alimentos?
What is the supreme law of the land?
The Constitution.
Thanksgiving -- -- --------.
is in November.
crime means:
- elect a leader
- a promise
- break the law
break the law.
The Declaration of Independence adopted:
a) July 4, 1778
b) July 4, 1787
c) July 4, 1776
c) July 4, 1776
Cuando empezo la Primera Guerra Mundial?
How many times have you been...
- spouse
- marriage
- married
Please read:
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
claim means:
- declare something in words or writing
- elect a leader
- break the law
declare something in words or writing.
a) What happened at the Constitutional Convention?
b) When was the Constitution written?
a) The Constitution was written.
b) 1787
Cual es la capital de Bolivia?
Oficialmente es Sucre, aunque La Paz es tambien mencionada como capital.
Who do you .... with?
- live
- working
- children
President --------- is the ------ of our -------.
President Washington is the Father of our Country.
To help the U.S. government in case of emergency is:
- bear arms
- Oath of Allegiance
- Work of National Importance
- Work of National Importance.