What are these radiolucent lines
Nutrient Canal
Radiopaque bulge distal to 3rd molar
Maxillary tuberosity
Diffuse, radiopaque band extending posterior from zygomatic process of maxilla
Zygoma (malar bone, zygomatic bone)
Radiolucent band surrounded by radiopaque border inferior in molar teeth
Mandibular canal
Radiopaque band extending down and forward from ramus. It runs parallel to but below the external oblique ridge.
Internal oblique ridge (line)
Incisive (nosopalatine) foramen
Vertical radiopaque partition that divides nasal cavity
Nasal Septum
Diffuse radiopaque projection within nasal cavity
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Small ovoid or round radioluceny located in apical premolar region
Mental foramen
Radiolucent area in molar region below mylohyoid ridge
Submandibular fossa
Thin radiolucent line between maxillary central incisors
Median Palatal Suture
Radiolucent line between maxillary canine and lateral incisors
Canine (lateral) fossa
Large radiolucent area above maxillary incisors
Nasal cavity (fossa)
Radiolucent ara above mental ridge
Mental Fossa
Radiopaque band extending down and forward from ramus superior to internal oblique ridge
External Oblique Ridge
Hook-like projection posterior to maxillary tuberosity
Hamulus (hamular process)
Radiopaque line above the maxillary molar/premolar area.
Floor of the maxillary sinus
Dense radiopaque band of bone above maxillary incisors
Floor of nasal cavity
Ring-shaped radiopacity below mandibular incisors
Genial tubercles
Triangular radiopacity superimposed or inferior to maxillary tuberosity
Coronoid process
The inverted "Y" is the intersection of what two structures?
Maxillary sinus and Nasal cavity
J-or U-shaped radiopacity superior to maxillary 1st molar region
Zygomatic process of the maxilla
V-shaped radiopaque area located at intersection of floor of nasal cavity and nasal septum
Anterior nasal spine
Thick radiopaque band that extends from premolar to incisor region
Mental ridge
Dense radiopaque band extending down & forward of molar region
Mylohyoid ridge
The internal oblique ridge (found below the external oblique turns into the mylohyoid ridge