How many Years does it take to get a Associates Degree?
2 Years
medical professionals that treats and diagnoses injuries and illnesses
A Doctor
What streaming services streams these Tv shows Outer Banks and The Crown
What type of Degree does a University Professor Need?
Represents clients in legal matter
What Are 3 Careers That requires a Professional Degree?
Lawyer, Doctor, Veterinarian etc.
Who Installs and maintains electrical wiring, circuit, outlets, panel boards, electrical machines in home and business.
What Are All of the types of Degrees?
Associate, Bachelor, Master, PH.D professional
Provides Plan to promote ability to move, reduce, pain, restore, function, and also prevent disabilit.
Physical Therapist
Name 1 benefit of an Associate Degree and 1 different benefit of a Bachelor Degree.
Associate Degree-Saving money, Live or close to home, Takes less time etc.
Bachelor Degree-More Job opportunities, Don’t have to worry about Transferring, etc.
Provides research and administrative support to Lawyers.