How to handle the objection "There is no work area".
Workstations at the cabinet can inhibit access to meds and risk patient care.
How to handle "Lack of map on the software when provider opens drawer (a Pyxis feature)".
We offer flexibility and freedom for anesthesia providers to design their main anesthesia drawers to best fit their practice.
This best practice involves listening to the objection fully prior to jumping in, giving the person time to explain their concerns.
Active Listening
How to handle "There are a lot of things that I don't need that come with the cabinets".
Omnicell offers a variety of cabinet configurations to suit the varying and dynamic needs of customers. Features and functionality are designed to optimize pharmacy and nursing operations.
This city is the capital of France.
How to handle the objection "The restocking workflow is too cumbersome and time-consuming".
XT offers flexible options for restocking to match the pharmacy's preferred workflow.
How to handle "Dissatisfaction with the post case reconciliation (PCR) workflow".
Our new Anesthesia Medication Reconciliation (AMR) waste workflow is a replacement for PCR and greatly enhances provider's processes and provides pharmacy with real-time data.
For this best practice, it is important to show understanding by acknowledging their concern with phrases like "I understand why that might be a concern."
Acknowledge and Empathize
How to handle "Too expensive".
Our products are designed to provide the tools hospitals and pharmacies need to streamline operations, enhance patient safety, and better manage med inventory to effectively manager costs.
This American football team is known for their "cheesehead" fans and is based in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Green Bay Packers
How to handle the objection "When will XT be end of life?".
Omnicell is committed to 10 years of useful life on XT automated dispensing cabinets and supports cabinet hardware over this time.
How to handle "The AWS doesn't allow for transfer of meds from one patient to another".
This is a feature that was released in 2022 that allows for transfer of meds from patient to patient.
Doing this ensures that you fully understand the person's complaint and allows you to dig deeper into the root cause of the objection.
Ask Clarifying Questions
How to handle "Our nurses are used to our existing cabinets. Why should we change?"
With Omnicell, you get more than automated dispensing cabinets. You get training tools and best practices from our customer success team to train your team and ensure a smooth transition.
This author wrote the "Harry Potter" series.
J.K. Rowling
How to handle the objection "What makes XT better than others".
- We deliver a seamless user experience and provide expert guidance
- SinglePoint means safe management of patient specific medications
- XT has a 30% greater capacity than others on the market
How to handle "Why are the supply drawers not always open?"
Omnicell doesn't recommend open supply drawers but this is a non-standard configuration that can be accomplished.
Once you've understood the objection, this involves providing a proposed outcome to address the issue.
Offer a Solution or Alternative
How to handle "I don't have enough meds to fill up the cabinet. I don't need that much capacity."
The XT hardware system allows you to select drawers to meet the needs of each area within the hospital. This provides you with flexibility to expand your capacity only when needed.
This planet is known as the "Red Planet."
How to handle "Your drawers aren't configurable. With Pyxis Cubies we can change pockets as needed".
Omnicell offers 6 different drawers with varying sizes of lock lidded bins, designed to fit a variety of form factors.
How to handle "Inventory discrepancy in the anesthesia drawers".
Inventory discrepancies occur because there is a system level problem in users not scanning the item they are dispensing.
- AWS barcode scanner works with a simple swipe below the scanner
- The integrated Syringe Label Printer provides users with ASA compliant syringe labels
Once a resolution has been established, it is important to do this to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Confirm Resolution
How to handle "It's a cabinet. How can XT really help ensure patient safety?"
Controlled Substance Dispenser provides single dose dispensing to reduce the chance of diversion.
Single Point patient-specific helps ensure meds are removed against a profiled order.
This document, signed in 1776, declared the American colonies' independence from Britain.
The Declaration of Independence.