What is 76 rounded to the nearest 10?
What is 80
345 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is 300?
What is 123 rounded to the nearest 10 and 100
what is 120?
What is 100?
What is 734 rounded to the nearest 10?
What is 730
What is 572 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is 600?
What is 567 rounded to the nearest 10 and 100?
What is 570
What is 600
What is 23 rounded to the nearest 10?
What is 20
What is 129 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is 100?
What is 245 round to the nearest 10 and 100?
what is 200
What is 102 rounded to the nearest 10?
What is 100
What is 6485 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is 6500
if the number is five or more what should we do?
What is round up
What is 3253 rounded to the nearest 10?
What is 3250
What is 7832 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What is 7800?
What is 2675 rounded to the nearest 10 and 100?
What is 2680
What is 2700