How much does 1 box of the "classic" flavors of cookies cost this year?
How many cookies need to be sold to get membership paid for next year?
700+ boxes
What is the most popular cookie?
Thin mints
You are starving because you didn't eat all day but you are in the middle of a booth? What would you do?
Ask your booth adult for a break
You arrive at your early cookie booth but someone is already in your spot. What should your next steps be?
Let them know you are here and ask if they would like some help packing up.
How much do "speciality" cookies cost?
To be a super seller and earn camp credit, how many boxes need to be sold?
Which cookie is gluten free?
Toffee tastic
You are almost out of thin mints and you have 1 more hours to go, what would you do?
Ask your booth adult to get you more.
What is the proper attire to wear at a cookie booth?
Girl scout uniform!
A customer buys 2 boxes of thin mints and 2 boxes of s'mores. They hand you $25, how much is their change?
In order to earn a cute panda shirt eating a do-si-do like we saw at cookie rally, how many need to be sold?
Total of 450 for the troop on initial order. (February 22)
Which cookie has coconut?
You signed up for a booth slot at 6pm but now your friend is asking if you can go to the movies, what would you do?
Let your friend know you already have plans and schedule a movie date when you don't have a booth time
What kind of drinks and food can you have at a booth?
Water. Everything else needs to be put aside
A customer buys 1 tag-a-long and a s'more. They hand you $50 bill. What is there change?
To earn the TTT patch, you will need to sell at least 24 boxes in donations. How much money is that?
What cookies have peanut butter
Do-si-do and tag-a-longs
Someone is wanting to buy a box of thin mints and hands you a $50. It doesn't feel right and now the customer is rushing you along?
Check for watermarks or reach out to your booth adult for assistance.
What is the best way to display cookies?
As long as customers can clearly see you are selling cookies and it is organized and tidy, you should be good!
A customer buys a case of s'mores! It's the last season after all. How much is their total?
In order to earn an additional $0.10 per box profit, out PGA (per girl average) needs to be how many?
What is the name of the other bakery?
ABC bakery
OMG! Someone is robbing the store you are at and now the cops are blocking the entrance. are you going to make your sales goals now? What do you do next?
If it is safe to do so, pack up the booth and leave, if not leave immediately!
What should you do if you absolutely can not make a cookie booth you signed up for?
Reach out to your leaders, so they can let someone else take your spot.