"You Have Arrived"
Q & A
Closing a Call

"I've been struggling with my eating since I as 13 y/o, my parents never thought I had a problem because I was considered a normal weight. I just started in college and my roommate encouraged me to reach out. I binge/purge at least a few times a week. It's been tough."

Strong response includes naming the difficulty of reaching out, praising for taking the first step and making progress. Then validating we can help.


"Can I have a tour of the program before the assessment?"

Redirect the client to our website and offer tour videos/pictures as a first step. After intake, we can then set up an in person tour.


Provider resistant to refer in the moment, wants to talk with family first. 

Schedule a follow-up call, name the best/fastest way to refer when ready, i.e. calling back in or submitting webform referral online.


Provider, "My patient shared he has been struggling for over a year with body image and eating concerns. He is working out every day for over an hour, and is hyper fixated on 'healthy foods'. I'm hoping he can be considered for your OP program to start."

Thank the provider for trusting us, validating they are calling the right place. May include reassurance we will review programs later in the call.


Will your program have a goal weight, and can my client exercise there daily?

Reference the food & nutrition/activity philosophies on the website. Focus on individualized approach.


Client is unsure or willing to schedule after you have tried to lead them into scheduling, "Thanks for all the information today. I'm just not sure if I am ready."

Probe to understand the hesitancy more, "Can you say more about your hesitancy to move forward?"


Parent, "Our PCP recommended your RTF program. I'm not sure that is what my child needs, she has been restricting for the past few months and dropped about 10 pounds. I'm hoping we can look at Family Therapy to start. What's the first step again?"

Strong response includes naming the difficulty of reaching out, praising for taking the first step and making progress. Then validating we can help, and deferring questions to later in the call.


"Is tobacco usage allowed at the RTF sites?"

Reference programming FAQ, defer to intake to learn more about site specific policy.


Adult of an adult, unable to advance with scheduling as client is not willing at this time.

Provide resources on the website with how to have the conversation and offer a pointed follow-up.
