Who is JB obsessed with?
Michael Jordan
“I can see the red scissors from Coach's desk smiling at me, their steel blades sharp and ready.“ What does this mean?
This means that Josh is scared of loosing the bet
I throw down so hard, the fiberglass trembles. What is the figurative language?
How does Josh feel when saying “ my locks make me feel like a king”?
He Feels happy and proud of his locks.
Who is !Da Man
Josh and JB’s dad
What is JB‘s full name?
Jordan Bell
what does mom mean by ?“Your game is so sweet it’s crepes Suzette”.
she means that he plays really good.
If anyone else called me fresh and sweet, l'd burn mad as a flame. What is the figurative language ?
what is the tone that Josh has while saying this? I didn’t like the name because so many kids made fun of me on the school bus, at lunch, in the bathroom, even mom had jokes.
How does dad affect Josh and JB in basketball.
He encourages him trains him to be better.
What is Jb’s haircut
He shaves his head bald.
What is the meaning of basketball rule 4#?
if you miss enough of life’s opportunities, you will pay in regret.
“My mom was like gold to me” what is the figurative language
How does Josh feel saying this? “I don’t want us to loose the game, odds are this is on JB’s legendary bets I’ll win because there is a lot of if’s.”
What is Dads real name
Chuck bell
How does JB’s dad influence his game
His dad motivates him to try his best
What does it mean when mom says” your dad is an old chevette. Your fresh and new like a red corvette
it means that dad is old but Josh I hound and really good at basketball.
“Your game is so sweet it’s crepes Suzette”. What is the figurative language?
What is te tone of this sentence? ” Im banished to the backseat with JB ho only stops playing with my lock when i slap him across his bald head.”
The tone is mad/ angry.
Was Dad an NBA player?
Why did Jb cut Josh’s locks
Because he JB won a bet against Josh
Why is basketball rule #1 so important?
This rule is so important because it talks about how the court is family and the ball is the heart, and says to always leave your heart in the court and give the 100 percent.
I had the sickest double cross, and I kissed so many pretty ladies, they called me Lip-Gloss. What is the figurative language?
What is the tone? “What does he think, I'm stupid? Ever since Kim Bazemore kissed him in Sunday school, he's been acting all religious, thinking less and less about basketball, and more and more about”
What is Chucks favorite music?