This character appears in generation 2 and plays the role of your rival and is also the son of team rocket leader Giovanni.
Who is Silver?
This typing is only weak to a single typing.
What is Normal type?
What is the name of the cards required to be placed on a Pokémon for them to use a move?
What is Energy Cards?
This legendary Pokémon appeared in the first ever episode of the Pokémon anime and only released in gen II.
What is Ho-oh?
This Pokémon is known as the "Mouse Pokémon" in the Pokédex.
This is the fastest Pokémon according to stats.
What is Regieleki?
In which city was the electric type gym in the Hoenn region?
What is Mauville City?
This Pokémon was famously the first obtainable Pokémon banned from competitive play.
What is Mega-Rayquaza?
This is the number of prize cards both players have during a game of Pokémon TCG.
What is 6?
This Pokémon was banned from the Pokémon anime due to have given kids seizures in Japan.
Who is Porygon?
In emerald, this Pokémon's Pokédex entry states "After many long years, its cellular structure underwent a sudden mutation to grow wings. When angered, it loses all thought and rampages out of control."
What is Salamence?
This was the original name for Pokémon.
What is "Pocket Monsters"?
This character is named after a type of wood and gives out one of the three generation I starters after being defeated.
Who is professor Sycamore?
This electric type Pokémon with a special event move assisted Wolfe Glick in winning the 2016 World championships. Which Pokémon and which move would that be?
What is a Raichu with Endeavor?
This set brought back the original Pokémon cards in 2016.
This Pokémon owned by Jessie was accidentally traded away for her signature Wobbuffet in the episode "Tricks of Trade".
Who is Lickitung?
This Pokémon's Pokédex number is 1000.
What is Gholdengo?
This is the heaviest Pokémon weighing in at 999.9kg.
What is Celesteela?
What is the name of the first gym leader in generation 8?
This person won 3 world championships in a row and got a character named after him in an official Pokémon game.
Who is Ray Rizzo?
This Comic series held a contest in 1997 in which the winners obtained an Illustrator Pikachu card.
What is CoroCoro Comic?
This Pokémon was taken care of by James' grand-parents until it eventually let itself be caught by James.
What is Mime-Jr?
This Pokémon's Pokédex number is 666.
What is Vivillon?
By transferring 999 Pokémon to "My Pokémon Ranch" you can obtain this Pokémon in generation IV.
What is Mew?
This is the only generation to not introduce a flying or ground type move.
What is gen 9?
This Pokémon was given out during the VGC 2018 world championships event. Name the Pokémon and the city in which you could obtain this Pokémon.
Who is Meloetta? Nashville?
This is the name of the attack on the Radiant Charizard card from the Pokémon GO set.
This Pokémon was once owned by Brock until he gave it to his siblings after returning from a trip in another region.
What is Ludicolo?
This is Skwovet's Base stat total.
What is 275?
This card was Illustrated by -
Who is Shin Nagasawa?