A device having a hollow core; for example, an instrument with a central channel that can be fitted over a guide wire or pin.
Fin-shaped rasps used to enlarge the medullary canal for the insertion of an implant.
Spongy or trabecular bone, softer of the two types of bones.
Cancellous Bone
A Fracture in which there are multiple bone fragments
Compacted bone, the denser of the two types
Cortical Bone
Alignment of bone fragments into anatomical position by manipulation or traction of the limb.
Closed Reduction
To impact or press a joint implant into position. DO NOT REQUIRE BONE CEMENT
Areas of attachment for tendons and ligaments or provide a passageway for nerves and blood vessels.
Mechanical Force in which a structure is pressed together
Tough, bi-layered membrane
Compartment Syndrome
To enlarge a preexisting hole, depression, or channel, such as the medullary canal.
What occurs as a result of trauma or disease and represents the majority of pathology requiring ortho surgery.
A method of maintaining bone fragments in anatomical position from outside the body. EX casting
External Fixation
Tendons can take the form of a fibrous cord or a sheet of connective tissue called
Displacement of a joint from its normal anatomical position.
The process of manipulating bone fragments to restore anatomical position
What is traction used for?
A. Prevent Injury to soft tissues
B. Align Bone
C. Prevent Movement of Fx
D. Reduce Pain
E. Reduce Muscle Spasm
Surgical Access through an incision to bring bone fragments into anatomical alignment.
Open Reduction
Open Reduction Internal Fixation
Surgical Repair of a Fx by implanting a device such as a metal plate, rod, or nail that holds the bone fragments in correct position during healing.
Internal Fixation
A mechanical method of applying force to a fractured bone in order to bring the fragments into alignment.
A method of immobilizing a limb, can be fully or partially circumferential.
A spiral path drilled through the bone before inserting a screw
What type of reaction(s) is bone cement?