What officer is stationed by the rising sun?
The president
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
What are the FFA colors?
National blue and Corn gold
Students have to be enrolled in a(n) ______ class to be apart of FFA?
Where is National Convention held?
How many officers are there on a team?
When was FFA established?
What is the FFA jacket made of?
What are the 3 parts of the Ag education model?
SAE, classroom, FFA
Who was the first National FFA president?
Leslie Applegate
Who is stationed by the plow?
The vice president
What act started vocational agriculture?
The Smiths Hughes act
What makes up the outside of the FFA emblem?
What does each paragraph of the creed begin with?
I believe
What president spoke at the National Convention in 2018?
Donald Trump
Who has the most parts in opening ceremonies?
The vice president
Where was the first National FFA convention held?
Kansas City, Mo
What does FFA stand for?
Future Farmers of America
What is the FFA motto?
Leading to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve.
How many expo booths are at National convention?
What officer keeps track of the minutes?
The secretary
What year did women join the FFA?
Around how many FFA jackets are sold each year?
What are the 5 degrees you can earn?
Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State and American
What restaurant gives away custard at National convention?