What is the pillar number of faith is the believe in the holy books?
It is the third pillar.
Which Prophet was given The Tawraah?
It was Prophet Muusaa (PBUH).
Which Prophet was given The Injeel?
It was Prophet Iesaa (PBUH).
What is the first source of legislation in Islam?
It is the Qur'aan.
Can a Muslim follow only parts of the Qur'aan?
No, every Muslim should follow the entire Qur'aan.
Which Holy Books were mentioned in the Qur'aan?
Qur'aan, Ṣuhuf, Zabuur, Tawraah, and Injeel.
Which Prophet was given The Zabuur?
It was Prophet Daawuud (PBUH).
Which Prophets were given Ṣuhuf?
Prophets Ibraaheem and Muusaa (PBUT).
How was Qur'aan revealed?
It was revealed to the lowest heaven on the Night of Value, then it was conveyed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) throughout 23 years.
Name some of the beneficial actions related to the Qur'aan?
Reciting it, memorizing it, applying it, etc.
Should we have faith and follow ALLAH's (SWT) Holy Books?
We should have faith in ALLAH's (SWT) Holy Books, but we should follow only the Qur'aan.
Should we deny all of the current copies of previous holy books?
We accept the parts that the Qur'aan has confirmed.
We deny the parts that the Qur'aan has rejected.
We neither accept nor deny the parts that the Qur'aan did not mention.
How the words of the Qur'aan different from the words in the other Holy Books?
The Qur'aan is the meanings and wordings of the message of ALLAH's (SWT), while the other Holy Books only have the meanings.
Mention the other three names of the Qur'aan and their meanings?
Al-Kitaab (The Book).
Al-Furqaan (The Separator).
AdhDhikr (The Remembrance) .
How was the Qur'aan conveyed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
It was comprehensively transferred into his heart (PBUH) without passing through his sight nor hearing.