This system of Apartheid focused on daily restrictions, such as separate public amenities for different racial groups.
What is Petty Apartheid?
This 1952 campaign encouraged Black South Africans to deliberately break Apartheid laws to challenge segregation.
What is the Defiance Campaign?
He was the first Black president of South Africa, imprisoned for 27 years for his anti-Apartheid activism.
Who is Nelson Mandela?
This 1957 boycott in Johannesburg protested a fare increase, forcing the bus company to reverse its decision.
What is the Alexandra Bus Boycott?
This 1950 law required all South Africans to be classified into racial categories: White, Coloured, Indian, or African.
What is the Population Registration Act?
In 1955, this document outlined the vision of a democratic, non-racial South Africa, declaring that "South Africa belongs to all who live in it."
What is the Freedom Charter?
This leader of the ANC won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1960 for his non-violent opposition to Apartheid.
Who is Albert Luthuli?
This 1952 campaign encouraged mass civil disobedience against Apartheid laws, with activists deliberately breaking segregation rules.
What is the Defiance Campaign?
This 1950 law banned marriages and sexual relations between White and non-White South Africans.
What is the Immorality Act?
This event on March 21, 1960, saw South African police open fire on a peaceful protest against pass laws, killing 69 people.
What is the Sharpeville Massacre?
This armed wing of the ANC was established in 1961 to carry out sabotage against the Apartheid government.
What is Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)?
This 1960 protest, led by the PAC (Pan Africanist Congress), challenged pass laws and resulted in a brutal police massacre.
What is the Sharpeville Massacre?
This 1953 law segregated public services such as transportation, parks, and beaches.
What is the Separate Amenities Act?
Following the Sharpeville Massacre, this organization abandoned peaceful resistance and created an armed wing called Umkhonto we Sizwe.
What is the African National Congress (ANC)?
This political party, aligned with the ANC, promoted communist ideals and played a key role in the anti-Apartheid struggle.
What is the South African Communist Party (SACP)?
This 1955 document, adopted in Kliptown, laid the foundation for a non-racial democracy in South Africa.
What is the Freedom Charter?
This policy under Grand Apartheid forcibly removed Black South Africans from urban areas into designated “homelands.”
What is the Bantustan system? OR
What is the Group Areas Act?
This famous trial led to the life imprisonment of Nelson Mandela and other anti-Apartheid leaders from 1963 to 1964.
What is the Rivonia Trial?
This 1963 police raid led to the arrest of key anti-Apartheid leaders, including Walter Sisulu and Govan Mbeki, at a secret ANC meeting place.
What is the Liliesleaf Raid?
This specific Apartheid law was the most frequently defied during the 1952 Defiance Campaign, as activists deliberately broke its restrictions by entering "whites-only" areas.
What is the Pass Laws Act?