The ABCs of RFPs
It's All Numerical
P-Card or Not P-Card?
Purchasing Lingo
Red Flags & Deal Breakers

In a typical RFP, the proposer shall submit a list of at least three (3) of these for which they have provided like products or services. 

What are references?


At this price point, multiple quotes are required.

What is $3,000?


A vendor suggests breaking up a $3,500 invoice into smaller charges to stay under the PCard limit.

What is Not PCard?


This is the ERP software we use to generate requisitions, purchase orders, and track a wide range of procurement processes.

What is Tyler Incode?

This occurs when a vendor fails to meet the minimum technical or compliance requirements specified in the solicitation.

What is a disqualification?


This key section of an RFP outlines the specific products or services being requested.

What is the scope of work (or specifications)?


Any use of City funds at this price point or over must be approved by City Council.

What is $50,000?


This method of payment is perfect for purchasing office supplies under $3,000.

What is PCard?


This is an official document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller for the sale of specific products or services to be delivered in the future.

What is a purchase order, or PO?


In the event of a lost receipt for a purchase made with a PCard, Cardholders must provide this in its place stating the receipt was lost, including the value, detail about what the purchase was, and that it is for official City use.

A written memo.


All questions a vendor has pertaining to an RFP should be submitted via this method.

What is in writing, via email?


This is the single transaction limit for purchases made on a city P-Card.

What is $2,999.99 or less?

This technology purchase, like a new laptop, often requires IT approval.

What is Not PCard?


When obtaining quotes from multiple vendors, at least two (2) of the vendors should be registered under this classification.

What is a HUB?


A contractor is performing services for the City - but not without getting this executed first!

What is a service agreement?


This is the part of the RFP that details how proposals will be reviewed and ranked for selection.

What is the evaluation criteria?


If the original contract was subject to competitive solicitation, the contract price may not be increased by more than this amount without competitively soliciting those additional services.

What is 25%?


A girl scout is selling cookies, and you think that your team would enjoy some Thin Mints in the breakroom.

What is Not PCard?


This may be issued if it is necessary to decrease or increase the quantity of work to be performed or of materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished.

What is a change order?


This is a formal document used to explain and justify the decision to award a contract or purchase to a single supplier without going through a competitive bidding process.

A sole-source justification letter.


This three-letter acronym represents a formal document used to solicit qualifications from vendors.

What is an RFQ?


This is the Texas Local Government Code Chapter that governs the purchasing and contracting authority of municipalities.

What is Chapter 252?


You need to purchase fuel for a rental car during an approved business trip.

What is PCard?


This procurement method allows multiple government agencies to combine purchasing power, using pre-negotiated contracts to save time and money.

What is Cooperative Purchasing, or Co-Op?


When a vendor attempts to offer a personal gift or favor to influence the decision-making process, it’s a clear indication of this.

What is a conflict of interest?
