Presidential Cabinet
Rights, Acts and Resolutions
The election of 1800

This man was George Washington's Secretary of the Treasury. He used a 3-part plan to pay off the huge national debt from the Revolutionary War. 

Who is Alexander Hamilton 


This act increased the duration from 5-14 years that person had to live in the U.S. to become a citizen and also gave the President the power to deport or imprison any Alien he considered dangerous. 

 What is the alien act 


The Election of 1800 divided the country even more. John Adams (the Federalist Incumbent) Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr (Democratic-Republican Challengers) ran hostile campaigns and attacked each other personally.

What is True


This man was George Washington's Vice president. He later became the second president of the United States. 

Who is John Adams


This act made it a crime for anyone to write or say anything insulting or anything false about the President, Congress, or the Central Government in general. 

What is the sedition act


____________ and ____________ tied by getting 73 electoral votes a piece in the presidential election of 1800. 

Who were Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson 


This man Was George Washington's Secretary of state; He was in charge of developing good relationships with foreign country's 

Who is Thomas Jefferson 


During this event, President Adams sent 3 U.S. diplomats to France to meet French Foreign Minister Talleyrand. However, when they arrived in France they did not meet Talleyrand but 3 French secret agents who said they couldn’t meet with him unless they paid them a bribe. 

What is the XYZ affair 


_____________ won the Election of 1800 because ______________ convinced his fellow Federalists in the House of Representatives to vote for him instead of ______________. 

Who were Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr


This man was George Washington's Secretary of war. He was in charge of defending the nation against foreign and domestic threats. 

Who is Henry Knox 


This theory suggests that the federal government derives its power from rights given to it by the states. Because the states created the U.S., the individual states have the power to nullify federal law. 

What is state rights


During his inauguration Jefferson said, “Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind...Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle… we are all Republicans; we are all Federalists.”  Why did Thomas Jefferson say this? 

What is he wanted to unite the country by fixing the relationship between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans.


This man was George Washington's Attorney General. He was the main legal advisor for the president. 

Who is Edmund Randolph


These Resolutions declared the Alien and Sedition Acts Unconstitutional. Also declared that the states had the right to declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional. They boosted the States’ Rights Theory. 

What is the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 


How did Thomas Jefferson respond to these “Midnight Appointments”?

What is Ordered his Secretary of State (James Madison) to stop working on the appointments (literally do not deliver the appointments to congress). As a result, Congress did not approve of John Adams “Midnight Appointments.” 
